First Name: Alfred
Last Name: Coles
Company: Alfred Nomad / LxVE / TONE
Website: https://linktr.ee/alfrednomad
A L F R E D N O M A D is an artist, activist, & entrepreneur creating his own path as an artist and curator. He is also the founder of the culture brand LxVE (Love x Value Everything & Everyone) to highlight and encourage entrepreneurial creatives to follow their passions, collaborate with like minds, and give back to communities through creative content, clothing and events based around music and fine art.
Alfred has been using his voice as an artist and storyteller to cultivate amity within communities for more than a decade. Curating experiences such as concerts, art exhibitions, panels, and his annual festival (hitting it’s 5th year anniversary this year) LxVE Fest, Alfred effortlessly weaves together his musicianship and collective advocacy.
With his thoughtful life driven subject matter, and musically modern sound that tends to blend Hip Hop, Jazz, eclectic samples, and an alternative influence he lets his art speak to the lives of his listeners.
Tell Us Why You Got Started: I started making music because I love to create. Especially creating something with a purpose. I love writing, especially poetry, and I love music. As I began to pursue being an artist as a career independently I began to become more invested in building ownership around the different aspects of my creativity, and creating opportunities for others as well.
How Has 2020 Changed Your Business? 2020 has given me the opportunity to learn how to pivot my business. And with pivoting and having to alter my plans for this year, it created an opportunity to connect with even more people. I've been able to make the music and experiences around it more inclusive and global rather than geographical. I'm grateful for it actually.
Being an entrepreneur is ... taking responsibility for your dreams and ideas to come to fruition. Being an entrepreneur is being a self-starter, a leader, and most importantly being the greatest servant.