First Name: Ariel E.
Last Name: Gaskill, M.S.
Company: Simply Ari Media
Website: https://www.simplyarimedia.net/
Ariel E. Gaskill, M.S. is a Professional Content Writer, Digital Storyteller, and Social Media Influencer from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. She is the founder and Chief Serving Officer (CSO) of a Faith-based Brand Development and Social Media Marketing company called, Simply Ari Media. Gaskill enjoys finding and helping to tell the stories of the world in unique, creative, and innovative ways. She believes that the online space is an important and exciting place to be because it creates opportunities to connect, and capture stories; and if done well, creates community, recreates moments, and brings awareness to the causes that are most important to us.
Tell Us Why You Got Started: In 2014, the Lord commissioned me to start Simply Ari Media. In obedience to what I believed God was calling me to do, I stepped out on faith, and with the direction of the Holy Spirit, I created a platform with creatives and small businesses in mind, on which they could tell their stories and promote their products. Almost 7 years later, Simply Ari Media has blossomed into a service based company, where I aid my clients in the process of brand development, brand voice consistency, brand story, and marketing using social media as the vehicle.
How Has 2020 Changed Your Business? Prior to COVID-19, I attended a number of networking events throughout the year, which is how I attracted most of my clients. 2020 has changed the way I connect with current and future clients. I am able to create more resources, content, and marketing materials that are customizable to their unique needs on a larger scale because I have the time to. 2020 has given me an opportunity to promote my services in unique and innovative ways.
Being an entrepreneur is ... stepping out on faith and being courageous enough to passionately pursue the God-sized dream that He has placed inside of you.