There’s been much ado about how to handle being in Prime-Time's situations as of late. The criticism, Albeit speculative, lands in place of sideline cheers and jeers, more so than, in the game, game-time decisions.
From the outside looking in, It’s easy to say what a person would do all while safely saying it from the armchair or the bleachers. Even though it can’t ever be argued that we are all humans and no one is perfect, there’s still this train of thought that each person on the sideline, or in the bleachers could, should, and would do a better job than the person that’s actually in the game. Of course, that is until they actually get in the game themselves and realize there’s a different perspective of the ball game from what the outsiders were able to see.
When we think about America, the land of the free, free market, and supply and demand, the approach to how to handle that particular position should be as free as the concept of freedom allows, yet, when certain Americans actually find themselves in that position, the outside world has the audacity to challenge their character as if they are immune from flaw, or deeper as if they would not make the same decisions if they were in the same exact position themselves.

If you were about to make a ton of money after climbing up the ladder of success, would you say, "Oh no, I won’t take this massive pay increase. I’ll just stay here at the same level, with the same pay and conditions forever?" Probably not. There are not too many people that if given the opportunity wouldn’t, “get that bag” or grab the opportunity to level up.
When I think about the idea of America, I like the idea of Mark Zuckerberg. I also like the idea of George M. Steinbrenner. Seeing how a specific situation is currently unfolding before our very eyes, I like the idea of Deion “Prime Time” Sanders. Of course, since I don’t know them personally, I’m speaking theoretically. I like that particular idea of America and Americans. All biases aside, it’s the exact way I envision progression.
It’s the idea of an American individual being wise enough, or at least having the wherewithal to grasp the opportunity to rise when the opportunity presents itself. Many people don’t rise, not because they aren’t talented, smart, or hard workers, it’s because they simply failed to grasp the opportunities that were presented before them in any particular moment.
When I say I like the idea, I mean, if you, whoever you are, put yourself in a position to win and gain large amounts of capital for it, or if you have a brilliant idea, product, talent or service, and you can earn top dollar for it, I’m ALL For That.
I like the idea that that can be achieved. To me, that is the epitome of American progression. I like the idea that If you wake up and decide you want to, for example, sell paint for cars, and people love your paint, I’m all for that concept that you can sell this paint and you can obtain massive earnings with the paint that you’ve sold. I like the idea that if you want to do that, idealistically, you can. Now, I know wanting and doing are two different things, but, the idea of even, “considering”, is what fascinates me.
There are some places in the world where you can’t even, “want” And, the desire or the dream to achieve is crushed from inception.
I don’t feel that way here in my particular society. The want, or the desire, can indeed be the catalysts for everything after that. Fundamentally, in my opinion, the seeds have to be planted before anything else happens. That’s the, “want”.
As it stands, I currently want to work my A** off to be a top-tier content creator. After All the work, time, and sacrifice I put in, when I finally “make it”, I’ll be damned if someone says, “Oh, you should stay in “moms basement” or, you should stay in some smaller industry, earning less pay, for whatever reason. No, absolutely not. I had a want. I decided to execute. So did Mr. Zuckerberg, so did Mr. Steinbrenner, and clearly so did Mr. Sanders.
My question is once someone decides to make this next move, why is there always resistance or pushback at the top of the mountain and of course before the start as well? Why do we applaud the actual journey, but then shun the journey’s lead to obtaining high-profiled options?
If I had the idea or talent, and I executed, I performed, and I made it, why should I not be able to capitalize on it, especially in a super pro-capitalist society? Why is that such a bad thing?
Many people would be labeled a sell-out if they worked hard, gained notoriety, and then, at the top of the mountain decided they wanted to go in a different direction after acquiring said options. And also, why is it when people finally get to the mountain top and finally accumulate highly regarded options to progress forward, why do people want to hate the fact there are valuable options to choose from?
I truly believe you should be able to earn as much money as possible if the market allows you to, simply because it was you that had the great idea, and it’s the masses that find value in your idea.
Once the value in your idea, talent, or product is acquired, you should be entitled to benefit from the position you’ve found yourself in. The fact that people feel entitled to your idea or talent, or the fact that people want to tell you what you should do with your accumulated success is just wild to me.
Mark Zuckerberg had the idea for FaceBlol…we all used it. The Yankees were not financially successful in ‘73 and then, George M. Steinbrenner bought them for a low price and eventually turned them into the murderers' row juggernaut, Again. He was so successful in fact, he literally died with the reigning championship ring on his finger.
Coach Prime showed us all that he knows what the heck he’s doing when it comes to the game of Football. He turned the smaller program like Jackson State around and made everyone in his circle better.
After all the great things these American individuals did to achieve their success, If they want to, get that GUAP… as the kids say, at a higher level, who is anyone to say, “they shouldn’t go get this money?”
Best believe If any of us, were any one of them, we would do the same thing.
( #GoGetMoney )
It seems to me, The only people “hating” are people that didn’t have the idea, didn’t have the talent, or didn’t execute…
I get it though.
If the “Yankees” or… “Lakers”, for this particular example I.E. Big business and American capitalism, can come and, “take Lebron from Akron,” the only people that would be upset about it, would be the people from Akron…Or people that just hate the idea of big business in general.
If you’re on one side, the side taking a loss, it probably makes sense to shun the idea. But, what about the winners? In my mind, speaking objectively and futuristically, you won’t always be in a losing situation. If you do get the opportunity to finally be on the winning side, could, would, or should you give up your win, just because you know what a loss feels like and you feel bad for the losing side?
As adults, we all need money to survive, and as Americans, the idea of big business is imperative for the progression of America, so, at that point, you have to ask yourself, what side of the idea of America do you find yourself wanting to be apart of?