Who is Royce Morgan? According to Instagram he is a Memphis-bred Atlanta-based inspirational influencer. Coffea magazine sees a whole lot more. In order to inspire others, you have the ability to change situations. Royce wakes up each day in reality and has managed to push his followers to succeed in it. Gifting us with daily quotes, he has encouraged us to live our truths and look at life through his lens. We were honored to pick his brain a little and learn about where his inspiration comes from.

You speak a lot about mental health. Have you ever dealt with depression and/or anxiety? Describe that initial experience.
Yes, it's something I've battled off and on over the years without a full understanding of it or why I was that way at times. Over time, we deal with so much pressure to be our best or blending with environments that try to tell us how we're "supposed to be" that you feel like who you are isn't good enough and blinded by the fact that your uniqueness IS what makes you YOU. I really didn't tap into this until I was hit with the combination of depression and anxiety around 2017, and it lasted for 2.5 years. It took a lot of fighting with myself and for myself to break through and do a lot of deep digging. Therapy isn't a bad thing, and really allows for you to show your heart and allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling in that moment (good/bad/indifferent). It was in those moments I learned what I was made of!
What keeps you motivated?
My motivation comes first and foremost from God! The work I do daily, whether from laughing or making others laugh, speaking whatever my spirit tells me to speak, music, physical fitness, and just my tribe who keeps me lifted! It all serves a purpose and keeps me going! Motivating others motivates me!
You mentioned in an interview that you've dealt with people who want to "take credit for making you". How did you overcome that situation?
To be honest, I've learned that at every level you rise to, there's a new devil waiting and disguised as a person who "seems cool" but can be a snake in the grass. TRUST YOUR DISCERNMENT if you're blessed with it. What God has for you is for YOU, and you're who you're meant to be in this world. If someone really thinks they "made you", okay then go make another one if it's that easy! Don't let that bother you, be grounded in who you are, and that mess won't shake you!
What would you like people to think about professionally when they hear the name, Royce Morgan?
That's my Uncle right there! Lol…. Seriously, I want you to know you're getting light, energy, authenticity, and someone who is open and kind BUT takes no crap. Reliability, walking the walk I talk, and WORTHY!
What advice would you give someone that is currently dealing with depression, anxiety, etc.?
FIGHT FOR YOURSELF! You are only human, and some days will be better than others. If you need to sit down, scream, cry, or just time to get into yourself, take it! Talking to a therapist, a trusted friend when you feel like it without pressure can take a lot off you also. There were things I spoke and heard myself say aloud that gave me great clarity and healing on so much. Sometimes we're so blinded by negativity and unfair self-blame that we lose sight of the grand picture. Be Patient with Yourself!
What do you enjoy doing to unwind?
Honestly, I'm a homebody and enjoy my own company. Many people are shocked to find out I'm an introvert. However, when I'm with MY PEOPLE, you get another side of me that enjoys just laughing and making others laugh. I love physical fitness (great for my mental and peace of mind), music is therapy to me, and just listening to God for the next steps and clarity! I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it all at the moment.

What inspired you to want to inspire others?
The Power of Being Myself! I became fearless in just putting it out there (not EVERYTHING, but enough because I don't know y'all like that), but really just speaking what I feel and having people to reach out and say I helped them through a heartbreak, life-threatening illness, helped them to not take their own life or they were feeling a way but came across something I did or said that put them in a better mood or gave them the strength and courage to persevere! It shows me that all of this is bigger than me, and I need to just do what I'm moved to do.
Knowing what you know now, what are some things you might have done differently?
Not second guess Red Flags (it wasn't orange; it was RED). The older I get, I learn my parents were right about A LOT I should have listened to, but at the same time, I'm grateful for finding my own way and still writing my story as I go!
What's the biggest factor that has helped you be successful? Explain.
The Power of Being Myself and Knowing It's More Than Enough! I operate in a positive space and know when someone is trying me and/or it's BS! I don't allow it or entertain it! I feel no need to clear or explain myself about trivial messes. If THEY said it and you believe it, then it must be true! #FTA
To check out more on Royce Morgan; follow him on IG: @theroycemorgan and @uncleroycesays and on Twitter: @TheRoyceMorgan .